The Analysis of the Cholesterol Contents of Intrahepatic Duct Stones in the West Gyeongnam Region
서부 경남지방에서 간내결석의 콜레스테롤 성분 분석
Korean Journal of HBP Surgery 2007 Dec;11(4):22-7
Published online December 30, 2007
Copyright © 2007 Korean Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sursery.
Jeong-In Park, M.D., Ji-Ho Park, M.D., Young-Tae Ju, M.D., Chi- Young Jeong, M.D., Eun-Jung Jung, M.D., Young-Joon Lee, M.D., Sang-Kyung Choi, M.D., Woo-Song Ha, M.D., Soon-Tae Park, M.D., Tae-Hyo Kim1, M.D., Ok-Jae Lee1, M.D., Soon-Chan Hong*, Ph.D.
박정인, 박지호, 주영태, 정치영, 정은정, 이영준, 최상경, 하우송, 박순태, 김태효1, 이옥재1, 홍순찬
Department of Surgery, Internal Medicine1, Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine, Jinju, Korea
경상대학교 의과대학 외과학교실, 내과학교실1